HSMAI Foundation Special Report: The State of Hotel Sales, Marketing, and Revenue Optimization Talent 2023-2024

As the HSMAI Foundation releases our 2024 State of Talent Report, it’s heartening to witness our sector not just bouncing back but thriving. Moving beyond resilience, our industry’s sales, marketing, and revenue optimization talent strategies have in many ways transformed, and this report is evidence of that journey.

This year, the report explores the dynamics of a multigenerational workforce – how different age groups bring unique strengths and perspectives to the table. Our findings on the integration of AI in hospitality offer a glimpse into a future where the lines blur. Additionally, the rise of the gig economy, the growing emphasis on upskilling, and the adoption of hybrid work models are trends reshaping our operations. Each of these elements represents a piece of our industry’s talent puzzle.

Download the Report

The HSMAI Foundation State of Talent Report is made possible with the support of the HSMAI Foundation’s Corporate Talent Partners and is authored by Dorothy Dowling, Managing Director, Horwath HTL, and a special advisor to the HSMAI Foundation board.

2024 State of Talent Trends Recommendations

Report author Dorothy Dowling provides insights on key takeaways from the major trends detailed in the report.

Trend #1 Meeting the Needs of Multigenerational Workforces

Trend #2 The Rise of the Gig Economy and Fractional Staffing Models