Showing items tagged with "Commercial Strategy"

Digital Marketing Conference – Phuket

Join us for a unique opportunity to see Hotel leaders sharing their knowledge and experience in Digital Marketing, Commercial Management, Sales & Revenue Optimization. Our expert speakers will provide you...

Commercial Strategy Conference – India

[mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” frame_style=”single_line” align=”center”]”COMMERCIAL This one day event is where you will connect with like-minded professionals, share best practices, and build meaningful relationships with industry experts and peers. The...

Commercial Strategy Conference – Seoul

하루동안 진행되는 이번 컨퍼런스는 한국 호텔 업계의 수익, 마케팅, 커머셜 리더들이 호텔 수익 최적화, 유통, 가격 책정, 데이터, 마케팅 등의 트렌드에 대한 인사이트와 지식을 공유하는 자리입니다. 모든 발표 내용은 ‘수익 최적화‘라는 컨퍼런스 주제와 연관되며, 대부분의 세션은 한국어로 진행되며, 일부 발표자는 한국어 슬라이드와 함께 영어로 발표할 예정입니다.  This 1-day event is where you’ll see hotel & industry leaders in Revenue, Marketing and Commercial sharing their...

ROC ME: An HSMAI Commercial Strategy Event

HSMAI ROC has been where hotel revenue leaders unite for education, collaboration, and innovation for almost two decades. There has never been a greater need to gather around these pillars…

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