Competencies Checklist for Hotel Sales Managers

This checklist* can be used by hotel sales leaders, general managers, HR professionals, and others to assess the skills and knowledge required to perform the role of Sales Manager — as well as key behaviors and abilities that contribute to strong performance in this role. 

These competencies are the “how” that accompanies the “what” someone delivers in the role and can be used as a guide to raise the bar for performance and promote a culture of ongoing development and learning.

Rate how proficient the individual is when it comes to each competency:

4 – Advanced: Has broad and deep understanding and skills, with substantial experience in this area; can apply the competency regularly and independently and display this competency in complex, varied situations; role model for this competency.

3 – Proficient: Has sufficient understanding and experience to operate at a full professional level in moderately complex situations; can generalize basic principles to function effectively in both predictable and new situations.

2 – Developing: Newly developing in this area; has a general understanding of key principles but limited or no applied experience with this competency; is capable of using this competency with coaching and support, in simple situations.

1 – Does Not Demonstrate: Does not demonstrate this competency at the expected level, even with available assistance or direction from others.

NA – Not Applicable: This competency is not a requirement for this position in this organization.

WAYS TO USE THIS TOOL: Use this tool as part of your regular review process, as an interview tool, with assistants to see if they can/want to be managers, and/or as an auditing tool to teach sales managers across your portfolio. Customize it as needed for your property or company by adding your own additional brand- or company-specific requirements.

Download the Checklist  (Updated June 2021)
*All rights reserved by HSMAI.

Categories: Sales, Sales Measurement
Insight Type: Tools