By Sue Hershkowitz-Coore
You have a great product, good value and a qualified list. You write a decent email telling your prospect about your great service and … radio silence.
Beyond your prospects being overwhelmed with emails and great offers, there is another much more important reason prospects and buyers don’t respond to your sales messages.
You haven’t given them a reason to do so.
Emails that simply provide information don’t create distinction, engagement or desire. Sure, they can be easy and quick to write but when you end up wasting time, writing another one to follow up that other one, you become even more frustrated when all you hear is crickets.
The answer? Think of email as a strategic sales tool. Use every email you send to excite buyers about their success with your service, product or destination.
The next time you get a lead avoid the bland, inauthentic, transactional approach that sounds like this:
Hi Name,
I hope you are well. Thanks so much for your inquiry!
Sorry for the delay in response as we are experiencing a high volume of inquiries. One of my colleagues will be in touch shortly with availability and a quote for you.
In the meantime, I have attached an overview of our events spaces as well as a sample menu for you to review.
Kind Regards,
Instead, create excitement! Help buyers envision their success! The following email not only answers the buyer’s questions but it does so in a friendly, customer-centric, enthusiastic manner. Oh, and it uses on-trend language and controls the next step too!
Hi Name,
You’ve made an excellent decision considering XYZ for your _____. You can depend on our friendly, passionate, professional team to collaborate with you every step of the way.
My colleague will follow-up by DATE with a personalized proposal to help you begin to envision how remarkable your event will be here.
Count on a fresh perspective at XYZ!
Warm regards,
It doesn’t take a brain scientist to prove that we buy on emotion and justify with logic (though they have!). Create that excitement and positive, authentic emotion! By doing so, you help your prospect to feel safe and smart taking the next step in their buying journey with you.
Sue Hershkowitz-Coore (SpeakerSue) is Vice President of High Impact Presentations, an international consultancy specializing in customized communication and sales training solutions. Sue’s books include: Power Sales Writing: 2nd Edition and How to Say it to Sell it! For more information, contact, +1-480-575-9711.