HSMAI Customer Insight: The Most Important Word in Hospitality: Clean | MMGY

Insights for HSMAI from MMGY Travel Intelligence.

As hotels start opening up and preparing for post pandemic operations, one of the toughest things we will have to navigate as hoteliers is how to manage guest expectations and the guest experience.  We are all thinking about the shape of the “new normal” and what the shift from high-touch to high-tech looks like, but one thing that will be consistent across the board is the importance of new health and safety measures that have taken priority.  Anxieties over health, safety and travel limitations have meaningfully changed the travel journey from end to end. The focus was once convincing travelers to choose your hotel, destination or travel activity, but now we must convince them to take the leap and book a trip – or even travel at all.

This said, consumers are looking for clues on how they can travel while minimizing risk for themselves and their families. They are being inundated with information and are looking for virus-proof journeys (or as close as they can get).  We need to ensure our content around health, wellness and safety is as prominent as it can be and that we are communicating about how to keep visitors and guests safe…not just once they check-in but throughout the entire customer journey.  While MMGY Travel Intelligence has been tracking traveler safety for some time now, one stat that recently stood out from Trip Advisor was that 86% of consumers now say that cleanliness is the most important factor now when selecting accommodations.

Categories: Marketing
Insight Type: Reports