All Global Americas Insights

Innovative Marketing in Hospitality: Insights from Industry Experts

Today’s marketers, particularly in hospitality, deserve loads of credit; there is so much to know. The ecosystem of marketing continuously grows, and the opportunities continually evolve. There is so much knowledge needed to sustain and intelligently utilize tools for fluid connection, engagement, dialogue, and conversion.

Breakfast Meeting | Copenhagen

Join us for a Breakfast Meeting in Copenhagen Join us for the first HSMAI Europe Breakfast Meeting in Copenhagen! This event offers a unique opportunity for hospitality professionals to gain...

Hospitality Unlocked

Hospitality Unlocked Date: Friday, 5th April Time: 10am – 5pm We have designed a promising and engaging agenda for the day, with high-level presentations and networking activities. This year’s main...

India Commercial Leaders Roundtable – Delhi

Delhi India Commercial Leaders Roundtable By invitation only 07 June 2024 HSMAI India runs regular Roundtable events for the leaders in the Revenue, Digital, Distribution, Marketing, Sales and Operational heads...