HSMAI Adrian Awards Best Practice: New Atlantis Website

The 2024 Adrian Awards are now open! Take some inspiration from last year’s Digital Best of Show winner – New Atlantis Website from Atlantis Paradise Island, The Bahamas and their agencies: LogicBomb Media and GlueIQ.  Submit your entry for the 2024 Adrian Awards by September 9, 2024.

In our Special Report, we profile all of the Platinum and President’s Award winners — including video and interview footage.

New Atlantis Website

Video: https://youtu.be/vbCLODfkp2E


The entry aimed to enhance the online experience of Atlantis Paradise Island to increase reservations and revenue through the website. The entry used a new website design, experience-based content, video content, high-quality imagery, and interactive features to achieve these goals.


The campaign aimed to enhance the online experience of Atlantis guests, increase engagement, and drive bookings for rooms, dining, and activities. The campaign involved launching a new website that featured experience-based content, video content, high-quality imagery, and interactive games and blogs.


Impressive results, such as a 5% increase in website revenue, a doubling of keyword count, an increase in average user visit duration, a decrease in bounce rate, and a shift from phone to online bookings. The entry also claimed a 289 to 1 return on investment.

Video: https://youtu.be/cyl251jbAFg


Categories: Marketing
Insight Type: Articles