HSMAI Customer Insight: Full Speed Ahead for Holiday Travel Planning | Longwoods International

In Longwoods International’s latest look at Holiday Season travel activities:  Seven out of ten travelers with plans to travel this holiday season will be visiting friends and relatives!  60% indicate shopping trips… and the biggest areas of growth year over year are visiting museums at 27% (up 6 points from 2021), attend a festival/fair at 25% (up 7 points), and attend a live performance at 21% (up 5 points).  Holiday travel is returning more to patterns seen pre-pandemic. Get more insights on the findings for HSMAI from Longwoods President & CEO Amir Eylon:


Access the full report: American Travel Sentiment Study – Wave 67: IT’S FULL SPEED AHEAD FOR HOLIDAY TRAVEL PLANNING


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Insight Type: Reports, Videos